Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yamada-san, The Paper Folder

When I asked if I could take a photograph of the vase and flowers (below), the firm explained to me their security guard, Yamada-san, had made the piece of artwork. I have folded paper (origami) since I was little, so when I saw Yamada-san's paper folding work I was blown away. I explained to the firm that I often fold paper for kids that are alone and sitting next to me on airplane flights. There is a lot of places here that sale origami paper; it makes me want to do some folding when I get home. As a side note, at the dinner with the firm, we all took the paper our chopsticks were in and did some folding. Most of us made cranes, but a few others were more creative (i.e., a paper ball, hat, and rabbit were made).

The vase and flowers are nearly as tall as I am.

After work I was able to meet Yamada-san, it was a pleasure. He had two books full of photographs of his work that he shared with me. Most of Yamada-san's pieces take hours to make.

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