Sunday, September 27, 2009


Last night we harvested our Bull's Blood Beets and it was a full night/morning of home canning. We made pickled beets & onions and Grandma Carlson's Beet Jelly. The smell of boiling beets was nostalgic. In the morning, all the cans had sealed, and we had beet jelly on toast... it was well worth the effort.

The pickled beets were cooked with allspice, cloves, and cinnamon sticks.

We'd borrowed canning supplies from Mom & Dad. (Thanks folks!)

Beet jelly.

Beet jelly and pickled beets.


deadpool said...

beet jelly ftw!

Shorty said...

It's goodness packaged in a jar; you'll have to try some next time you're over.