Monday, December 24, 2007


It was a few degrees warmer this week for our long run, a whole 15 ºF. The terrain this time varied between: deep snow, ice, packed uneven snow/ice, and bare pavement. My left hip flexor muscles were so fatigued that my left leg refused to lift up after mile 16; it took some effort (a few curses) and I was up and going again. I made it the last 4 miles... running, because stopping made it all the harder to start going again. Ken was there all along and was a great trooper, despite looking like a yeti.

TNT members up ahead on the Jordan River Parkway Trail.

Ken with a white beard!

... and white hair!

Going, going, going... keep those legs a going...

Our turn around point, Gardner Village.

Ken with another bloody ankle. I told him, "Quit hurting yourself!"

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