Thursday, August 11, 2011


It is day 7 of week 19 (2nd trimester) and Ken was able to feel baby kicks by placing his hand on my tummy! They were good solid kicks; Ken thought I was flexing my stomach. I've got to hand it to Cafe Trang's Thai Green Curry Chicken for dinner... soooooo spicy! "Made with medium spice", yeah right; I finished off two large glasses of water at dinner.

I've been feeling movement very once in a while for the past couple of weeks. During our last check-up (last Thursday, August 4th), Dr. Horvath asked if I'd felt any "flutters" (this is also the term used on the baby forums). I replied, "I feel like I have worms."

Currently, the baby is the size of an heirloom tomato. We get a new food size tomorrow; so excited!