Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hammy, Version 2.0 - now with extra life

We visited eight pet stores before finding Manni our new hammy. On Friday, we'd contemplated bringing home a hammy who had a hurt mouth from another pet store; however, when we returned on Saturday he had already found a new home. At one of the last stores we were visiting, we asked if they had any really dark brown hamsters; the employee said they had a bunch of new hamsters in the back that were just released from quarantine (yippee!). We picked Manni out of a bunch of squirming little hamsters. He didn't protest being picked-up and he hasn't nipped (good signs).

The name, Manni, is from the German movie Run Lola Run or Lola rennt. So our Manni is a Russian Dwarf Hamster with a German name. We're excited to have a new littl' member to the household!

Blurry picture of Manni trying to escape from the confines of the pet shop box.