Sunday, October 12, 2008

10/09/2008 - STITCHES

So it was a trip to the doctor's office to get stitches after I sliced open my hand while washing a glass. I was later chastised by Mr. Ken for not using our long-handled scrub brush to do the glass washing (oops, my bad). I think I just about gave him a heart-attack on the phone ("I cut myself and I am bleeding really bad!"), so a little bit of scolding was in order. These are my first stitches and golly, gee whiz did they hurt! I was promised a lollipop (which I never saw and in retrospect, I think it was all a ploy to gain my cooperation) and called "kiddo" by the doctor. The wound is healing up and I am scheduled to get the stitches out on Thursday.

1 comment:

Sasq said...

Ouch! Sorry Ginger, I guess that is what you get for throwing those things at Ken. "Make me more zucchini bread!" (throws measuring cup)